Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy is intended to illustrate the methods and purposes of personal data processing carried out by Prysmian Riassicurazioni S.p.A., as data controller (hereinafter, the “Data Controller” or the “Company”), in relation to and through the website (hereinafter, the “Site”).
Please note that this Policy applies to any person browsing and/or using the Site, or in any way interacting with the contents and services accessible through said Site (hereinafter, the “User”).
The processing of the User’s personal data is carried out in full compliance with applicable data protection legislation, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”).
1.   Redirecting to other websites
This Site contains hypertext links that allow the User to be redirected to other sites, both operated by other companies belonging to Prysmian and by third parties. The Company declines all responsibility for the processing of personal data carried out through and/or in relation to such third-party websites.
Any User who accesses such web pages and/or social network platforms through the Site is therefore required to carefully read the relevant privacy policy in order to fully understand the way his/her personal data will be processed by such third parties who, as independent data controllers, provide and manage such sites.

2.   Categories of personal data collected
(A)   Telematics traffic data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Site must acquire, in the course of their ordinary operations, certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This category of data includes IP addresses, the type of browser, the operating system, the domain name and address of the website used for access, information relating to the pages visited by the User within the Site, the date and time of access, the time the User spends on a specific page, the analysis of internal paths and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment used by the User.
This computer/technical data is collected and used only in aggregate form and is not immediately identifiable; it may be used to verify liability in the event of possible crimes committed on or against the Site or at the request of the competent authorities.

(B)   Personal data provided directly by the User
The Site does not have any sections devoted to collecting the User’s personal data.
After having read this Policy in order to understand in detail the modalities and reasons for the processing of their personal data by the Company, Users will always have the option of deciding to share such data by filling in the relevant forms available on the Site.

3.   Purpose of data processing
This Site has been designed with the primary purpose of providing information and precisely for this purpose it presents an interactive screen. The information provided concerns the activities and services offered by the company Prysmian Riassicurazioni S.p.A. belonging to Prysmian Group. For this reason the collection of the User’s personal data is not necessary.
In compliance with the principles outlined by the GDPR, the Website is also required to process data by applying the principle of minimization, as well as to avoid processing data in all cases where the purposes outlined below can be achieved by different means and/or by rendering data anonymous.
Users’ personal data will be processed by the Company for the sole purpose of:
a) allow adequate navigation within the Site;
b) provide Users with an improved exploration and allow them to obtain more information regarding the activities, services and products offered by the Company;
c) to respond and satisfy Users’ requests
d) to comply with obligations established by applicable legislation and/or requests or orders issued by competent authorities.
Should data be collected in the future for purposes other than those set out above, it will be the responsibility of the Company, on the one hand, to provide the User with the necessary information relating to such new purposes in order to ensure transparency and User awareness and, on the other hand, to ensure that a solid legal basis (e.g. the User’s consent) exists, where required, in order to proceed with the processing of such data.

4.   Legal basis of data processing
Unless otherwise specified, the provision of personal data by the User is optional. However, it should be noted that if the User refuses to provide certain data to the Company, it may not be possible to fulfil the User’s requests or provide him with certain services.
The data processing activities listed in points a) to d) above do not require the acquisition of consent from the User, as they are based on a different legal basis, namely the need to perform and provide the services that have been directly requested by the User and the need to ensure compliance with the legal obligations of the Data Controller.

5.   Methods of data processing and security
Personal data are processed lawfully and correctly for the above purposes and in compliance with the fundamental principles laid down in the applicable legislation.
The data processing operations may be carried out either manually or electronically, or using IT tools, subject to the use of technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, in particular in order to reduce the risks of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration and unauthorised disclosure of or access to personal data or, more generally, any processing that does not comply with the purposes of data collection.
The processing shall be carried out under the authority of the Data Controller and exclusively by persons who have been duly authorised to access and process the data in accordance with the directives provided by the Company and the applicable rules and regulations on the protection of personal data.

6.   Communication to third parties
Personal data collected through the Site may not be shared with or disclosed to third parties without the User’s prior specific consent.
Should the Company make the data collected available to third party suppliers or partners (such as, for example, service providers, e-mail service providers, hosting providers, IT service companies, communication agencies) in order to allow the latter to provide certain services related to the purposes listed above or necessary to achieve them, it will be the responsibility of the Data Controller to designate such third party data processors on the basis of their capacity, experience and reliability, as well as to provide them with specific instructions regarding data security. The updated list of designated data processors may be consulted at any time by sending a written request to the Company, as specified below.
However, it is understood that the User’s personal data must be communicated to third parties, such as public or judicial authorities, in order to fulfil binding orders and requests and comply with applicable legal provisions.

7.   Data retention
Personal data collected through the Site will be stored in a format that allows the identification of the User for no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data were initially collected and, in any case, within the limits defined by applicable laws and regulations, as well as to enforce and/or safeguard the rights of the Data Controller (in compliance with the retention periods and limitation provisions defined by law), where necessary.
If the data is no longer required in light of the above, it will be deleted or anonymised.
The following data is stored for a period of 3 years.

8.   Cookies (cross-reference)
For more detailed information regarding the installation and use of cookies by this Site, please refer to the applicable Cookie Policy.

9.   Data transfer abroad
In light of the international nature of the business activities carried out by the Data Controller, data will be transferred and therefore processed abroad, always only for the above mentioned purposes, by companies belonging to Prysmian Group, established both inside and outside the European Union.
In all cases where data will be transferred to countries outside the European Union, the relevant transmission will be subject to data protection guarantees, as provided by law, such as the application of the Standard Model Clauses approved by the European Commission, or equivalent guarantees.
This website uses cookies that allow the transfer of personal data abroad, in particular to the USA. Personal data will be transferred and processed using appropriate safeguards provided by the GDPR, such as Standard Model Clauses, signed with our providers.

10.   Rights of the data subject
Users may exercise their rights at any time, including:
a) to access their personal data, obtain feedback regarding the purposes pursued by the Data Controller, the categories of data concerned, the entities to whom such data may be disclosed, the applicable retention period and the existence of automatic decision-making processes;
b) obtain the immediate rectification of personal data deemed to be incorrect;
c) obtain the deletion of data in the cases provided for by law
d) obtain processing limitations, where permitted;
e) request the portability of the data provided to the data controller, i.e. the right to receive such data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, including for the purpose of transmitting such data to another data controller without hindrance, in all cases provided for by the law
f) to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, i.e. the Data Protection Authority.
In order to exercise the rights listed above and/or for any further information and/or clarification, please send an email to

11.   Data controller
The Data Controller is Prysmian Riassicurazioni S.p.A., a duly incorporated company under Italian law, with registered office in Via Chiese 6, 20126, Milan (MI).
To contact the Data Protection Officer of the Data Controller write to

12.   Updating this policy
The date of the latest revision of the most recent version of this Policy is given below.
Date of last revision: 11/04/2024